Sebastien Maufrais

Sebastien Maufrais

Process Technologist

Technip Energies
Technip Energies 190 X 190

Sébastien is a Principal Process Engineer and Senior Technologist at Technip Energies. His field of activity is in the design of LNG export and import facilities. He manages many activities ranging from conceptual studies to detailed engineering. In addition, Sebastien is involved in R&D developments. Today’s presentation is a direct feed back of this activity. Sebastien performs also on site activities for both Onshore and Offshore projects. In this instance, he was part of the start-up teams for the LNG receiving Terminal of Bilbao, for the very first Mega LNG train of Qatar Gas, for Shell Prelude FLNG. His latest contribution in the field was the successful start-up of the ENI Coral SUL FLNG. Sebastien is very keen on providing training to young engineers both inside the Technip Energies organisation, and outside such as for IFP Energies Nouvelles. Sebastien is a Member of the Expert Network of TECHNIP Energies.