9-12 SEPTEMBER 2025


Cristian Signoretto

Cristian Signoretto

Director, Global Gas & Lng Portfolio and Deputy COO, Natural Resources

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Cristian Signoretto is Eni’s Director, Global Gas & Lng Portfolio and Deputy Chief Operating Officer. Natural Resources since July 2020.

He is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Eni Global Energy Markets S.p.A., the wholly owned subsidiary of Eni responsible for all gas, LNG, power and CO2 trading and origination activities.
He is President of Proxigas, the National Association of Gas Industries, and a member of the General Council of Confindustria, the Italian business association. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of Eurogas, the European Association of gas companies, as well as of the Executive Committee of GIIGNL, the International Group of Liquefied Natural Gas Importers.
He joined Eni in 2007 in the Office of the CEO to define corporate strategies and overseeing specific projects. Later on he held various responsibilities in the Gas, LNG and Power businesses of Eni overseeing the various parts of the integrated value chain. In April 2019, he was appointed Chief Gas & Lng Marketing and Power Officer of Eni. Before joining Eni he worked at McKinsey and Citibank.
Born in Verona in 1974, he graduated with honors in Mechanical Engineering from the Politecnico of Milan and he holds a Master degree in Business Administration from Columbia University in New York.